24 June 2014

Summer Fitness | #summerbloggerchallenge

This week's theme is Summer Fitness which I will admit is a bloody easy topic for me right now. 

I've had a bit of drama lately regarding my weight, so I've been on this massive push to get fit, lose weight and look fab. 

Obviously I'm eating a lot less and it's definitely working but I'm also getting more physical. 

So me and my friend, Nikki, have decided to go for runs two or three times a week. But after the run we actually do squats, lunges, burpies, press ups and ab work. We are really pushing ourselves and it's actually paying off. 

The leg workout I'm loving at the moment has to be jumping squats and walking lunges. They pretty much are what they say the are but jumping lunges are fab! You start off in a squat position and literally jump in the air and squat back down again, continue to do that as many times as possible. 

You really work a range of muscles doing this which is why I love it so much. 

What I've realised is it really is about technique. When me and Nikki first started we just wanted to rush through our sets but that meant the technique was lost. Recently we've really focused on making sure we are doing it properly and now we can feel the benefits straight away. 

In addition to this, I've also started walking to and from Liverpool street station to my office, which is a 25 min walk each way when walking at a quick pace. It's just these small differences what make the biggest changes. 

My body is starting to feel slimmer, my thighs aren't as big, my collar bones are coming back, my belly isn't bloated. I feel better. 

Also I've started using a new # for when I'm posting health/fitness related tweets. #healthyselves was actually created by Beth ( to support everyone who is trying to live more healthily both mentally and physically, so if you follow me on twitter and Instagram be sure to look out for my #healthyselves hashtag. 

*smile!!! I'm just walking here, obvs not running*

I'm a lot happier since I've started being healthier.  I know massive changes aren't going to happen over night but I know in the end it's going to be worth it. This isn't just for the summer neither, I want to make sure that I continue to keep a healthy mind and body forever. 

What are your fitness plans this summer?! 


  1. Fab blog, I have followed you with Bloglovin and GFC and if you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks! My summer fitness plans consist of walking and going swimming, I need to exercise way more!

    Camille xo.

    1. Thanks for reading!!! I'll definitely check out your blog! They sound like fab goals!!xx
