2 October 2016

Moving to another country | Lifestyle

This post is gonna be quite a honest post about what it is really like to move to another country alone, I have been in Florence for 9 months now and it's gone so quick but I just wanted to share with you some of my thoughts.

It's different...
I know, it sounds obvious doesn't it, it's a different country so of course it's different but I'm talking about the smaller cultural quirks. In italy, if you are in a shop it's very common to have a little dish where you can can give your money to the cashier and where you change will be placed. Sometimes there isn't a dish and it's expected that you place it on the counter. Don't feel offended if your change isn't placed in your hand, it's cultural and it's a quirk you'll grow to understand and accept

Somethings don't translate...
I'm not just talking about literal word translations I'm also talking about things about your personality or humour that might not be that amusing in another country. Literally happened to me all the time, I'd be on a call with another brit we'd laugh about some comment and my colleague would stare blankly, it's fine though again don't feel offended. There will be things that someone else may say that you may not understand but always try because it might actually be very funny.

You will get homesick... 
My homesickness didn't start until I was 8 months into my stay, 8 crazy is that? To be honest, I don't think there is much you can do about this one, other than speak to your family and pals, go out for walks around the country you are calling home and just ride it out because in time you will remember why you are here.

It will change you ...
For me, it totally changed me for the best. Back when I was working in London, I was so tightly wound with my routine and my life, I would have a breakdown about at least once every 2 weeks about "what I am doing with my life" or "I need to achieve XYZ by the time I'm XX or I will have failed at life" moving to another Country will grow you in ways your couldn't imagine, it will make you appreciate things on a different level and it will change your perception on things forever

It will be the best thing you'll ever do...
Bold I know, but let's say it doesn't work out and you end up moving back home, to have the opportunity to live somewhere else and live will you can never regret. All the things you will have learned from moving abroad is something they cannot teach you in school and something that will stay with you forever. You also have to remember that you may never ever get the opportunity to do this again so take every moment and run with it.

So there are my thoughts on moving to another country. Would ever just up and leave and go somewhere else?

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