23 July 2017

My Love/Hate Relationship with Social Media | Lifestyle

Social Media

I have been thinking about social media a lot recently and I think it's mainly because since moving back to the UK my personal social media had changed a little bit and it's leaving me feeling a bit meh about it all so I just thought what do I actually like about social media? 


Being Influenced
I frickin' love seeing bloggers or even brand showcasing different products or items and I love it even more when I can actually click through and buy the damn product. I like seeing different styles whether they be fashion or home and interior. I like seeing things that make me think differently like "I never thought to style that item that way" or "those coasters are the most beautiful things I have ever seen, I need them"  

Every now an then I look at my entire instagram feed, I just scroll through my pictures and I think it's so nice to see the places I have been or the things I have done. All these memories that are so easy to forget and I really like taking a moment to go back and relive those memories again.

Other Peoples Lives 
I am a nosey little thing, I love to see what people are doing! I love so see their perfect curated snippet of their lives and I also love seeing those real snippets of life where I can happily relate to. Also, it's very much where I got a lot of baking ideas from! Seeing what people are doing over the weekend or over holiday is always so interesting and gives me inspiration to visit new places or try different things. 


Being Influenced
Body image is a tricky one for women and I can't help but feel social media plays a part in whilst I see more bodies represented on social which is fab I also see so many bodies photoshopped. I even saw a girl who I used to work with photoshop her instagram image when she is a gorgeous girl, it doesn't make sense to me. I'm getting bored of seeing these perfect pore-less faces or these tiny little waists that aren't real .

Not gonna lie, last year on Facebook I was obnoxious and the amount of passport pictures I took or "oh just flying to XXX" I never missed an opportunity to tell everyone how much fun I was having and now I am back in the UK living a less hectic/travelled lifestyle time hop never forgets to remind me what I was doing last year which leads me to compare what I am doing now. Comparison is the thief of joy!

Other Peoples Lives 
It's so easy to see a heavily curated picture and just assume that peoples lives are like that all the time when it definitely isn't. We absorb social media at such a quick rate that we become desensitised to the images we are seeing and just assume that this is how life is, and you can't help but compare your life with theirs.I have actually stopped following some big bloggers because they are no longer inspirational to me because the constant jet setting isn't realistic, they are being given trips for free which is great but out of my reach. 

And there we have it, the reasons I hate social media are exactly the same reason why I love it, it's a very thin line between the two and it's mainly because I know I have an unhealthy relationship with social media, as do most bloggers I think. Every time i start getting annoyed or frustrated with it I either take a little break or discover some new accounts to follow whilst getting rid of other ones. 

What do you love and hate about social media? 


  1. I relate so much to this post, social media is such a wonderful thing but it can also be so harmful and right now all these lives that are being showcase are quite unrealistic and not very attainable for most people! x

    Ariadna || RAWR BOWS

    1. I think people walk such a fine line between social media for teh reasons you mention! It's a difficult one!xx

  2. I definitely agree with everything! Curated Instagram feeds looks amazing, but they're such hard work to maintain. I tried my hand at it once. It was not very fun especially when what I like is vastly different from what everyone else likes. I post more for capturing experiences or for fun than to look like I have my life put together.

    1. I completely agree!! I tried to have a theme for a while and I ended up just hating my feed!xx
